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MoonBag Luna - Patchwork Large


MoonBag Luna - Patchwork Large


The MoonBag Luna is so on trend ! I can’t put my finger on why this bag is so delightful but it just is ! This is the large version (please check measurements) I have made myself one and it fits everything I need on a daily basis. It is a magic bag, it definitely fits more than you think . It is very comfortable to wear and very light weight …. add a funky lining , it makes me smile !

*Made from Hand Printed Fabric by Femketextiles and soft waterproof canvas with a cotton lining .

*Zip pocket on the back

*Zip closure and internal zip pocket

*Wide adjustable Cork strap (148cm x 3.75cm)

*Relaxed Moon shape with wide base

*Very lightweight

*One of a kind

Measurements : 9” Tall x 18” Wide x 5.5” Deep (22.5cm x 45cm x 14cm)

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